Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sister day...

Today to my enormous surprise, I received an e-mail from a long
time friend, wishing me a "Happy sister day" I don't remember
this day was on any calendar or even having heard of it,
but I surely enjoyed it, thanks Jo. But what was more surprising is
that today (of all days) I called  a young woman on the other part
of the globe (Italy)  to wish her a speedy major intervention recovery.
She's been in the hospital since october and I never got the courage
to call her, but today I said to myself I have to call my little adoptive
sister & surprise her with my call.
We both had tears in our eyes and our voices chocked, but who cared
just to hear her voice was like having the sister that I don't have
besides me, Niky little adoptive sister today of all days I had to call &
reassure myself that you are getting on the road to recovery.
Ciao piccola sorella e ricordati:
"Si deve pensare prima a se stessi,
per poter prendere cura dei altri".
Un bacione e ci risentiamo.

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