Sunday, February 21, 2010

Per un diavolo veneziano

Per un tuo sorriso
venderei la mia anima,
per un tuo sorriso caldo,
io caminerei il mondo senza
Per un tuo sorriso di DIAVOLO
ti correrei dietro con
tutte le mie forze,
ma per un tuo sorriso d'innamorato
mi fermerei e ti direi...
"Dammi un sorriso ogni mattina e
ti regalero molto piu del mio sorriso..."
PS: Grazie a Marcozanus di Venezia per
questa foto.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alone in Venice

Alone for millenium of days under the clouds
of the most beautiful floating city,
Oh my Venice what have you done to me!
You have put a cast on my heart and soul,
I roam the channels looking, searching,
up a small bridge or down and around
Piazza San Marco full of birds who do not
care for me, they approach my presence on
an ungry day otherwise they roam the sky
and snatch a fish to the lagune and laugh
at my despiration visible to the naked
eyes. No mandolin's melanconic serenade or
the joyous accordion's note can alleviate
the misery that I feel in my chest where
my heart used to be. How dare you
stealing it, how dare you not give it
back to me. You promised me the moon in
the sky and the warmth of the sun.
The stars were going to be our friends and
shine for us in the darkest alleys by
us used to hide and steal a kiss. How
dare you leaving me to such a misery.
How dare you hopping on a cloud and left
me behind, Oh dear heart go get her back
and show her the way back to you and me,
I don't believe I will last very much
longer without both of you in this city
made for lovers that once we were.....

PS: photo is a montage the heart is mine
and the man is from Venitian friend Marco.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Lontano risuona la tua voce
nel fondo del mio cuore,
mentre lieve la tua mano
vogliosa di emozioni,
a nuovi amori s’abbandona
e non cerca più me,
come in giorni appassionati
di un tempo ormai lontano.
D’essere amata, il desiderio vivo,
finché oblio sarà concesso al mio
passato colmo di speranze deluse dal tempo
che fugge e non puoi trattenere.

Ora fermati, rallenta il tuo passo,
guardati intorno, non rinunciare
alla desiderata felicità.
Volgi in avanti il tuo sguardo,
cerca e troverai la gioia
di un nuovo volto d’amare.
Ricordi affollano l’animo,
nell’aria riecheggiano ancora
sussurrate parole e lacrime solcano
il viso nel rimpianto di un amore perduto.
Dolce ed effimera, la tua figura
lenta si dilegua nel buio della notte
lasciando un’esile traccia rovente,
il ricordo di un intenso dolore
come brace sotto la cenere spenta.
E’ la tua lontananza
che ha oscurato il mio volto
e nessuno più vedrà brillare i miei occhi
come quando tu facevi parte di me.
NB: Edited con l'aiuto di Davide che
considera il mio prof... foto e un
montaggio di una mia e di Marco il

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love me tender

A red rose for all the Lovers around the world.
Una rosa per dirmi, dirti, dirci
"Love me tenderly".
Comme une rose sauvage quand on la
regarde on l'aime a premiere vue.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thanks Wendy Farha

Hello World!
Today at 09:30 my world still calm
no granchildren & my two children at
home are still sleeping, so I'm
trying to be very quiet even with my
computer keyboard. I just found a
very touching and moving site of a
Montrealer who is a great artist and
that I did not even know until three or
four days ago. Why I am so taken with
this person, well you guessed it, she has
cancer and I have started to follow her
ordeal, I spent a good couple of hours
reading, listening to her music, to her
adventures. What a stupendous attitude
she has toward this sickness, I just wish
one day to meet her just to be able to
give her a huge hug and say "You, me, us
we can fight this sickness, by keeping
our spirit high and hopes until they
find a definite cure for our future
generations" Thanks Wendy Farha, you are

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today was a day to forget, nothing
seemed to go the way I wanted it to
proceed. Sure Who am I to huff and
puff! Well let me say this: "I felt
so bad for being alive, my body was
a ball of heaches and pains, my
movements were non coordinated and
my mind seemed that was either
behind my head or in front of it.
I put a slipper in the fridge,
my lundry landed in the garbage,
and I almost put fire in the kitchen.
I don't know why all these events
are happening to me lately, is it
dimentia I asked myself or something
worse. I don't dare ask the people
around me since most of them have
their own problems...
Ohhhh now I know why I'm feeling
so different today, I finally
decided to go to the dentist &
had some work done, maybe just maybe
it was that shot that he gave me to
numb my mouth, but I believe it numbed
my brain also. Well today was special
I did not murder my dentist from fear
of all his equipment, since he was
gentle, attentive and mostly he had
a great huge smile. Thanks Mr.Dentist
but count your blessing because I
usually swear and kick my dentists when I
leave their office & they in return
put a cross over my name since I'm
not welcomed anymore in their fancy